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Magazine settings

How to edit a magazine

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

A magazine offers many different settings that you can edit, which will be explained in detail here.

First navigate to the document manager by clicking on "My Publications".

Then click on the little "Pen icon".


At the top of the magazine settings, there is a preview of the magazine

Re-Upload: If the PDF of your magazine has changed you can upload the new version as a revision. All the settings, views and the URL will stay the same while the magazine itself changes. If you already added hotspots you need to first export them and import them after the update. More about that here

Basic information 

The first settings are the basics which should be changed on every magazine.

Title: The title of the magazine which is displayed prominently under the magazine. Try to keep the title as simple but still informative as possible.

Description: The description will be shown under the title and can be much more in detail. Try to fully describe your magazine, which doesn't only help your readers but also our search engine to better index your magazine.

Language: Choose the language in which the magazine was written. This defines in what language the UI around your magazine will be shown.

Category: Choose the correct category for your magazine

Tags: The tags help Yumpu and other search engines to better categorise and index your magazine. Choose a few tags that best describe the content of your magazine, but not too many.

Downloads: This will make your publication downloadable on and in your embeds.

Social sharing: This will make your publication shareable on

Visibility Settings

Availability: The visibility settings define who can and who can't read your magazine and if the magazine should be indexed in search engines. You can find out more about the privacy settings here

Validation: Defines two dates in between which the magazine can be read. It is not readable outside of that timespan.

Blurred magazine: You can blur out specific pages of your magazine to make them unreadable. More about that here

Activate Page Teaser: You can overlay an image on specific pages to get the user to click on a link. More about that here

Recommendations: If activated, recommended magazines are shown below your magazine and on the side of your magazine in fullscreen mode.

Player Settings

Pageview: You can choose between double or single page preview.

Reading improvements Zoom factor & Rendering qualitiy: These sliders define the quality of your magazine. Read more about that here

Social sharing:  Activates or deactivates the "Share" button below your magazine and the share buttons at the end of your magazine.

Print magazine: This feature allows your readers to print the original PDF file from the fullscreen mode.

Download magazine:  This feature allows your readers to download the original PDF file from the fullscreen mode.

Branding in player: Removes the branding from the embedded magazine. If you want to use your own logo this needs be activated. More on how to add your own logo here

Shadow effects around the publication: A shadow effect in the background of the magazine.

Shadow effect on pages: A shadow effect directly on the pages of your magazine.

Hotspot Editor

Enrich your publication: You can add multimedia elements to your magazine (link, video, audio, slideshow or navigation)

Page element color: The color of all hotspots in your magazine


Open Embed Options: You can embed your magazine into your website.


Google Analytics Code: If you want to track views and the readers of your magazine you can include a Google Analytics code in your magazine. More information here

QR Code

Download QR code: You're able to share the QR code with your readers.

QR codes can help your documents to be distributed even more easily.

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