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Adding Cookie notification bar to your WEBKiosk
Adding Cookie notification bar to your WEBKiosk

How to add a cookie banner to a kiosk

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Written by Support Team
Updated over 5 months ago

To add a customized Cookie notification bar to your WEBKiosk navigate to the WEBKiosk settings in your Useraccount (Click on the Kiosk button - select the WEBKiosk tab - look for the WEBKiosk entry - click on the tasks button and select the "Cookie Banner" option)

Afterwards the following pop up will be displayed:

The pop up offers you the following options in regards to setting up a Cookie Banner for your WEBKiosk:

  • "show Cookie-consent": This option determines if the Cookie Banner should be  displayed or if it should be hidden. 

  • "Text": This entry determines the text message displayed inside the Cookie Banner. If a link to the privacy policy form should be displayed in the continuous text the parameter shown in the example message (<a href="Link to the privacy policy URL of your Website" title="your chosen title" target="your target option"> </a>) will need to be added.

    Alternatively the URL can be added as a standalone link element at the end of the text message by using the options displayed at the bottom of the pop up.    

  • "Cookie policy URL" : Please enter the URL of the Website where the Privacy Policy is displayed. The URL needs to be entered as shown in the example (including the http:// or https:// parameter)

  • "policy URL text": This entry determines the text overlay that will be displayed

  • "button text": This entry determines the text displayed on the button to accept the cookie policies. 

To conclude the set up for the Cookie notification bar you will need to save the settings by clicking on either the "Save" or "Save & Close" Button. 

The Cookie notification will be displayed at the bottom part of the WEBKiosk Page afterwards.

Example :

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